Re: Intel-VT Features and VMware Support of those Features?
I Understand, but ESXi 5.5 has just been announced ( albeit it's not shipping ) ...
View ArticleRe: Parallels 9
WOW!... "New! Connect Thunderbolt and Firewire devices to either your Mac or your virtual machine – just like you do with USB devices" If this is true then that's a major leap forwards in the...
View ArticleRe: Storage
This can occur is additional virtual disks are added and are created on different datastores, if the VM is accessing an ISO image stored on a datastore or if it is accessing a FLP image on a different...
View ArticleRe: Starting a VM on a different PC gives me an application tying to activate...
Hi,thanks. I understand is not an issue with VMware, more with usage of some software with VMware. Only I have never experienced such issues and was not thinking about the CPU contribution to the...
View ArticleRe: Eject CD/DVD from vApp Template
I tried the method you suggested earlier but It produced the same results. The ISO is still inserted for some reason. I am a little puzzle with that result. Is there anything else that I can try?...
View ArticleRe: Starting a VM on a different PC gives me an application tying to activate...
No, the Guest is not completely isolated and what you're seeing is quite normal and expected. The Guest OS see a different CPU and also the MAC Address for the Network Adapter if you choose "I copied...
View ArticleRe: Change datastore - insufficient disk space on datastore
While sVmotion choose Advance option and try to migrate individual VMDK files to new Datastore. But, don't remove vDisks from VM settings.
View ArticleRe: Restoring VM's from Data Recovery to new infrastructure
Thank you Paul, I will make a test with your instructions. I'll let you know how it works.Julio
View ArticleMouse problems while gaming in Ubuntu...
Hi - My host system is Windows 8. My guest system is Ubuntu 13.04. I am using the latest version of VMware Player. Here's the situation: For normal computing purposes, everything is working perfectly...
View ArticleUserSession null and PropertyProviderAdapter
I've been following the vsphere-wssdk-provider sample provided in the Web Client SDK. Using the vsphere-client-library I'm trying to retrieve vCenter session information using...
View ArticleRe: Change permissions on a virtual machine to lock it? WS 9.0.2
Well first of all one should be making proper backups to restore from if/when necessary and IMO one should remove the Parent of the Clones from the Library so as not to accidentally use it even though...
View ArticleRe: Deploying, customizing, and modifying VMs from a csv file
Just wondering why you decided to do the network setting after deploying the VM, any specific reason? If not, you can actually pass those paramters to the OScustomization spec so you wouldn't need to...
View ArticleRe: Deploying, customizing, and modifying VMs from a csv file
Hi Mark, We have a large number of VLANs here, so in order to get around creating several different OScustomization's I have a single OScustomization which uses DHCP. This allows the server to boot,...
View ArticleRe: P2V error: FAILED: An error occurred during the conversion:...
sorry. will provide agent logs soon
View ArticleRe: hitting walls with UPS....
Concerning software, you have (at least) three options:1. original "PowerChute" software2. free "NUT" (network ups tool)3. free "apcupsd". I'd recommend to use NUT for one reason: there is vib...
View ArticleNeed a Indexer
Hello guys, What I am looking for is a alerting system that can monitor a vcenter or multiple vcenters and push back alerts when anything changes. For example - If I want to know when my customer...
View ArticleRe: Deploying, customizing, and modifying VMs from a csv file
Ah, we have same thing lots of VLAN's but we just set the network label before powering on so it is on the proper vlan while it customizes and then joins the domain. It does it all on the fly So,...
View ArticleRe: Exclude a computer from uploading
I'm not sure that the No Upload policy is not interfering with the re-upload after the app layer is applied. I applied app layers to two machines that had the No Upload policy. The app layers...
View ArticleRe: Script to Remove HDDs other than HDD1 from VM and re-add it back.
Gotcha, misread that. What is the error you get on the new-harddisk? Try passing just the variable with out the quotes and curly braces {" "}New-HardDisk -VM $vmname -DiskPath $HDDfile.Filename
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